
There are three main ways to get involved at FCC: (1) join us for worship, (2) check out one of our classes or groups, and (3) serve with us.


One of the best ways to get to know us is to stop by on Sunday!

You can watch our service and learn more here.

We also offer special worship services (such as Ash Wednesday and Christmas Eve) and devotional books at different times of the year to make the most of each season to grow our faith.


The best things in life are shared. Come and join us at any of our regularly scheduled groups.

Be sure to check the newsletters below for days/times and for special events!


Once you’ve gotten to know us, we would love to talk with you about ways you can serve with us.

Through various ministry teams, we meet the spiritual needs of our members, serve our neighbors, and display the love of Jesus to our community.