Next Steps

There are four main ways to get involved at FCC: (1) join us for worship, (2) check out one of our classes or groups, (3) serve with us, and (4) become a member.


One of the best ways to get to know us is to stop by on Sunday!

You can watch our service and learn more here.

We also offer special worship services (such as Ash Wednesday and Christmas Eve) and devotional books at different times of the year to make the most of each season to grow our faith.


The best things in life are shared. Come and join us at any of our regularly scheduled groups.

Be sure to check the newsletters below for days/times and for special events!


Once you’ve gotten to know us, we would love to talk with you about ways you can serve with us.

Through various ministry teams, we meet the spiritual needs of our members, serve our neighbors, and display the love of Jesus to our community.


Join our church!

While you don’t have to be a member to belong, membership is an important step in deepening your relationship with Jesus and his church.

What is church membership? Being a member of FCC just means that you have chosen to identify with our congregation and make us your church home. There are no formal dues or obligations. Rather, we understand membership in terms of the biblical theme of “covenant.” Through the covenant of membership, the diverse individuals that make up the church freely commit to care for one another, serve one another, and work together to fulfill Jesus’ charge to love our neighbors and make disciples.

Membership is an act of love, freely chosen.

There are two ways to become a member:

  1. Confession of Faith and Baptism. If you’ve never taken the step to become a Christian, we would love to talk with you about this! A Christian is simply this: someone who has committed to follow Jesus. Those who follow Jesus are forgiven of their failures and can step freely into a life of healing, transformation, and hope. You don’t have to be perfect or have all the answers to be a Christian (none of us do). All you have to do is answer the question, “Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God?” with a, “Yes!” and commit to trust him and follow him. When you’re baptized, you become a part of Christ’s body, the universal church, as well as the particular, localized expression of Christ’s church that is FCC.

  2. Rededication of Faith or Transfer of Membership. If you are already a Christian, all you need to do is talk to us about becoming a member at FCC. Whether you’ve been active in another church or whether you’ve been away from church for a long time, it doesn’t matter: you are welcome here! Sometimes, churches ask for letters of recommendation or good standing from your former congregation. This is entirely up to you. We don’t require it, but it can be a helpful way for us to get to know you better.

If you would like to know more about becoming a member, let us know! In the meantime, here are some Bible passages you can look over: Romans 12:1-21, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Ephesians 2:19-22, 4:1-16, Colossians 1:15-23.