Service and Outreach
Sharing God’s love in Hot Springs and around the world.
Food Pantry
Our food pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 10am-12pm. We provide boxes of perishable and non-perishable groceries to local residents, assisting dozens of families each month.
Snack Packs Ministry
We recognize that needs don’t follow a schedule. If you’re not able to make it on one of our food pantry days, or just need something to help you get by, we offer small bags of non-perishable items all throughout the month. Just come by our building during office hours.
Local Partners
Project Hope Foodbank. We network with Project Hope to supply food to those in need in our community.
Adult & Teen Challenge of Arkansas. A faith-based addiction recovery program for teenagers and adults. Once a year, a group from this ministry leads our Sunday worship, offering songs and testimonies of God’s work. Our church supports them through a special offering on this day, and many of our members provide ongoing support through donations.
Hot Springs Community Resource Center. Our members donate items and volunteer for city-sponsored projects like the Warming Center that provide support for our at-risk and unsheltered neighbors.
Garland County Habitat for Humanity. Over the years, we’ve donated portions of our property on Watt Street in Hot Springs to help build affordable housing for folks in need. Here’s an article about the most recent build!
Al-Anon. A local Al-Anon group meets in our building every Monday and Thursday at 11am.
National and Global Missions
FCC sets aside a portion of its annual budget for Disciples Mission Fund, which in turn distributes funds to various ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). By supporting this ministry, we’re able to extend our impact beyond Hot Springs to include projects across our nation and around the world. Through our DMF donations, as well as special offerings throughout the year, we provide support to incredible agencies such as:
Week of Compassion: our denomination’s disaster and refugee response organization. Week of Compassion provides resources and volunteers to aid in disaster recovery domestically and globally.
National Benevolent Association: the health and social services arm of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). This ministry “collaborates with leaders and with health and social service organizations to strengthen and transform communities through compassion, healing, and justice.”
New Church Ministry: aids in the formation of new communities of faith in order to extend the message of God’s love to new people in diverse communities across the US and Canada.
Global Ministries: a joint ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ, this agency works with approximately 250 partners in nearly 90 countries to support churches, share personnel and resources, and help “all of God’s people and creation share in God’s abundant life.”
By God’s grace, our local, ordinary community of faith is able to make a difference for thousands of people worldwide!
Ministry Teams
Using our gifts and talents to build up the church.
Ministry teams are an essential part of our church. Groups of dedicated volunteers work together to provide opportunities for worship and spiritual growth. Though not an exhaustive list, here are some teams that are always looking for an extra helping hand:
Worship Ministry: coordinates volunteers to lead our Sunday worship and manage technology, plans special worship services and other devotional activities.
Education Ministry: plans our groups and classes.
Property Ministry: keeps our building, grounds, and equipment in top shape.
Outreach Ministry: fosters a spirit of service by leading our church to serve the broader community.
Kids Ministry: focuses on serving families in our neighborhood and community through special events.