Spirituality and Mental Health
“You just need to pray harder.” “Stop feeling sorry for yourself.” “Look on the bright side!” Have you heard these kinds of statements before? However well-intentioned, such statements usually hurt more than they help.
Churches haven’t always done a great job when it comes to mental health. At their best, churches offer a safe place for people to share their struggles and receive affirmation, love, and care. But far too often, churches reinforce the stigma our society has placed around issues of mental health.
It’s time to stop the stigma.
At First Christian Church, we believe that God loves each of us just as we are. Mental health struggles aren’t a sign of weakness or a moral failing. They’re simply part of being human. God embraces us in all our messy humanity and offers us compassion, understanding, and hope.
Wherever you are on your mental health journey, we invite you to journey with us!
The Mental Health Journey
The Sermon in a Sentence: We should care about mental health because God cares about mental health.
Scriptures: 1 Kings 19:1-10; Psalm 23.
Death, Loss, & Grief
The Sermon in a Sentence: Healing from trauma requires identifying what our trauma led us to believe about ourselves and the world, and working with God to write a better story.
Scripture: Psalm 55
The Sermon in a Sentence: Instead of belittling our anxiety or minimizing the problems we face, Jesus invites us to let go of what we can’t control and take action on those things we can.
Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34